Bear Island

Bear Island

Bear Island is the 60 acre island shown in the map above designated with the letter A. This is the location of the commercial salmon fishing camp I will be working at. You get to Bear Island by taking a float plane from Kodiak to Larsen Bay and then travel 8 miles by boat to Bear Island. You can also take a boat from Kodiak to Bear Island which I think is about a 12 hour trip. The island to the right of Bear Island is Harvester Island. Duncan Fields and his family live on Harvester Island. If you zoom in on the map, you can see gravel bars which connect the island to the mainland. These are only visible during low tide.

Bear Island is located on the Shelikof Strait which is a body of water 150 miles long and 25-30 miles wide separating Alaska from Kodiak Island. The difference between high tide and low tide in this body of water is very large with the difference between low tide and high tide at the northern part of Shelikof Strait measuring up to 40 feet!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday, April 21

Been spending my days on general maintenance at the ranch and cleaning the boat.  We cook breakfast on the boat, pack a lunch, and have dinner on the boat or at one of the family's homes.  There is no shower on the boat so we take one at one of the family's homes.  Went hiking out in the woods.  Everything is covered with moss because of all the rainfall we have.  I have had rain or snow almost everyday since I have been here.  No bear sitings yet since they are just now starting to come out of hibernation.  Kodiak has a mild climate with average temperature for the year being 40 degrees.  Average high in August is 61 degrees.  Because of the snow melt, there is lots of flowing water everywhere.  We pass 12 waterfalls on our drive to the ranch each day.  The sun comes up around 6:30 AM and sets at 10:30 right now.  In about three months, we will have 20 1/2 hours of daylight each day.

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